Oral Histories
As of the end of 2024, the Hopewell Valley Historical Society has performed and transcribed more than 200 interviews of Hopewell Valley residents. Interviewees include people born here in the late 1800s, immigrants who learned to be American here, municipal and religious leaders, past HVHS presidents, and scores of others who have vivid recollections of their lives in the Hopewell Valley and how it used to be.
​​We are currently in the process of summarizing the transcripts and entering them on to a database for easy access. Although it will be a work in progress for the foreseeable future, we are making access to the database and summaries available to Members. Anyone who would like to view the full transcripts and any other materials collected with the interviews should Contact the Archivist.
Oral History collection and transcription is the most expensive and labor intensive work we do. If you enjoy reading the collection, please consider making a donation.
If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for an Oral History interview, please click here.